| Home || Management |
| Gemini logo | | About me | Board and Care | | Contact Us | | Christian |
| My experience with women | { Imperial Beach } | Wmen | { Goddess Katy |
GOD { New testament } { Mother Nature } | Reciprocation of the Bell | { Seal of Approval } Focal | VA | Donald Trump | | Causes |
{ Divorce } { Love } { lust } { sex }
{ Women's health } {Wedding photography }
{ In the life of a women } { women's ego }
{ Girly girl } { Romance } { Hate }
| Angel Saint | | Maria Saint | | Goddess Katy | | Heaven
| Remembrance Women | | Bless Women | | Mother Nature | | Angels |
| GOD | | Women’s Health | | Focal |
Our Motto together \ in the mist of an Angel\ {Team Mother Nature}
Angels on the planet Earth
All of us working together will find a way that the Bless Women at the top, Will find the answer of god’s pickle.
The rainbow on the Planet Earth will come in as Heavens light on us.
VA’s Push will find peoples calling in life.
Donald Trumps push for the good ole USA, Donald’s focus will deliver the mother load.
| The Salvation Army Haven Exodus Lodge is here for the family |
(Enter data from heaven)
Angel in flight
{ Divorce } { Gemini Logo }
jeff.sigle@yahoo.com (Data Analyst for God)
| Angel Saint | | Maria Saint | | Goddess Katy | | Heaven
| Remembrance Women | | Bless Women | | Mother Nature | | Angel
| GOD | | Women’s Health | | Focal |
I'm currently residing in the The Salvation Army Haven Exodus lodge, I
have plans to partner up with a pastor by the name of Marzette McGary and
work with the salvation to incorporate the word into our agenda and with the VA. I'm currently a smoker.
Through the Board and Care we will enable people to get off there medical drugs that they are required
to take. They should be given a chance to this, I believe that the Board and Care is
a perfect place for this. Most people can be monitored to accomplish this.
Our Motto together \ in the mist of an Angel\ {Team Mother Nature}
Angels on the planet Earth, Goddess Katy
All of us working together will find a way that the Bless Women at the top can do her job, We will find the answer of god’s pickle.
The rainbow on the Planet Earth will come in as Heavens light on us.
VA’s Push will find peoples calling in life.
Donald Trumps push for the good ole USA, Donald’s focus will deliver the mother load.
The good O USA will pick up the lose ends.
Jeff Sigle will take on a multitude of causes for the better of mankind.
To The Attention Of: Chaplin Roy (The Salvation Army)
The overall decision with a Mission: Dedicated to bringing the data for a better
business decision.
Purpose for God to reach out and touch an ANGEL :{ motto } Team player with minimal direction can get the job done.
The overall purpose is to cause team work with religious { leadership } I believe this will achieve the right team players on the team.
All of us working together to enable the church to drill in the status receivership { Seal of Approval }
Overall Moto: Just Another Fucking Observer
| The Salvation Army Haven Exodus Lodge is here for the family |
Angel in flight
{ Divorce } { Gemini Logo }
jeff.sigle@yahoo.com (Data Analyst for God)