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 As GOD knows, a christian man and a women will help a man get over what he is dealing with. GOD created man to provide for their their women. Men please don't bring up the provider role that you are talking about. Men just because you are provide doesn't give you the right to treat your women how you want to. If you do that, I will knock your block off. OKAY men if you want to play that, understand that if gives you more responsibility  that can't be taken away.



{ ibliving ibfortune ibclassified}




Wising from the top 




< Top >









Team and were they are from, containmg a message of insurgents.  Gemini  were all is mesh.



The top will work out the details, bringing each relying on each other  the bottom be  Add to dictionary roasted with sunflower seeds./ This will be done with the curation of a simple can't  we just get all.