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Hi to all,

My vision of this page is to enable women to be heard and

be able to stand up for their rights, Because like me they are to honest and lovable,  Case in point like a women wearing stilettos, Have you ever seen a women  walk in them. It has been brought to my attention that most men think about it for a few minutes and don't care after that. The female sex is second to none, So beautiful and fragile but yet robust. Women are natural leaders but yet only a few women hold leadership positions. Men stand to gain a lot of insight of what it means to be a women and should take it seriously. One of the things that I have found is when a man comes home he should share what he was dealing with at work, and should listen to what she has to say, which most of the time she would probably help.

My passion will help me enlighten all women to ensure that we will make or create understanding of life's beautiful truths, making heads or tails of life. I believe that one of life's higher causes as a man, is to acknowledge what a women is here for on the planet earth.Again my passion is to enable men and women to share each other in the relationship digging down to the root cause of the problem in a relationship. Not all relationships are bad, With the  truth we all can gain from things that are not going right. Through love and understanding a relationship can become positive. Please listen to each other and share what is going wrong, I have found that  if your honest and pursue a common ground, Open up in a series way and talk about the things that are going wrong.  Through this page and christian page, I will have a lot of information on both pages.

With my experience in gods own way up to this point,  I
have become well versed in many subject matters.

My overall vision

I will take on a cause to enable women to get out of life what they deserve, that includes women leaders and any women that feels she is being left out.

  My plan is to work with all women to create a win win situation for all.

My overall focus

To all women, please

understand that I will work with you

to create a brighter day for your talents and abilities that you have. I believe that the beauty in life is a women leader, that includes such things as your hobbies and skills as a women.

Overall focus of a women in a mans life

As a man when you think and act in the life of a women you will grow as a man

A women's kind heart

When god says that a women is an hourglass to a man, she wants a man to love her, have compassion to include support her, this also includes trusting her because if the man acknowledges she is there he will be rewarded.

One thing I support trust all the way up the cannel on leads into another,   offering all the ton is to;sent e that motivates people in life is to use another one of their assions to help people become happy. I now no that accepting women in your will enable a man to be happy.

This also includes understanding what a provider is in life, As a man, if you consider yourself a provider you have a sworn oath to enable your women to have a life what  she deserves.

Again, I  will take on a cause in support of a women's heart.

I have learned that when a women complains or nags she is opening up to her man in a beautiful way.

Starlight Dove for her lips   \ \\\\ The Angel with a keyWomen's dream

{ Divorce } { Love } { lust } { sex }
{ Women's  health }  {Wedding photography }

{ In the life of a women } { women's ego }

{ Girly girl }  { Romance } { Hate }

State of the union for a women. { Fresh }

Maria | Maria Spirit| | Marzete Spirit | 

| Angel Saint | | Maria Saint | | Goddess Katy | | Heaven

| Remembrance Women | | Bless Women | | Mother Nature | | Angel


 | GOD | | Women’s Health | | Focal |

| Reciprocal of the Bell


I'm currently residing in the The Salvation Army Haven Exodus lodge, I
have plans to partner up with a pastor by the name of Marzette McGary and
work with the salvation to incorporate the word into our agenda and with the VA. I'm currently a smoker.

Through the Board and  Care we will enable people  to get off there medical drugs that they are required

to take. They should be given a chance to this, I believe that the Board and Care is

a perfect place for this. Most people can be monitored to accomplish this.


Our Motto together \ in the mist of an Angel\ {Team Mother Nature}

Angels on the planet Earth, Goddess Katy



All of us working together will find a way that the Bless Women at the top can do her job, We will find the answer of god’s pickle.


The rainbow on the Planet Earth will come in as Heavens light on us.


VA’s Push will find peoples calling in life.


Donald Trumps push for the good ole USA, Donald’s focus will deliver the mother load.

The good O USA will pick up the lose ends.

Jeff Sigle will take on a multitude of causes for the better of mankind.


To The Attention Of: Chaplin Roy (The Salvation Army)

The overall decision with a Mission: Dedicated to bringing the data for a better
business decision.

Purpose for God to reach out and touch an ANGEL :{  motto } Team player with minimal direction can get the job done.

The overall purpose is to cause team work with religious { leadershipI believe this will achieve the right team players on the team.

All of us working together to enable the church to drill in the status receivership { Seal of Approval } 

Overall Moto: Just Another Fucking Observer




| The Salvation Army Haven Exodus Lodge is here for the family |


Angel in flight


{ Divorce } { Gemini Logo }  (Data Analyst for God)
