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Things such as a commitment with God or a women you figure out it is Life is about the easy things.  When you focus on the easy one of life's necessities.


God wants you to make a commitment and find him in your heart like
people find Jesus. The more you think of him, you will find, like a
new perspective you will find it is easier to carry him in your heart.

When you commit to something you keep telling yourself over
and over what you want to acquire, A habit per say all you need
to do is focus.

When you commit to god you think of something that you want
to help out to make this world a better place and that includes
work as well as home life.

Accept  a cause to make a difference in life.

Think of owning stock shares in a company, basically you
have a part of the company that will instill a sense of ownership
that well help you to want to make a difference in any area that you
feel the need.

When you commit to a women you take the first day that you are together
and really do some soul searching. ( Soul mate is what you are at the beginning of your relationship not at the end|  Clearly come up with what you want to say in your vows, For richer or Porer till death do us part.

One of the biggest things that you could do for a women is talk to her about how you intend to meet on expectations such as a provider, responsibility and feelings as well as how you plan to commit will to include focus on the relationship.

A ring is a commitment and when you have it on your finger it symbolizes your deepest commitment to one another.

One of the biggest passions that you can have is enjoying the fine arts.

I would encourage you to enjoy other passions. It would help
with a gamete of inspirational needs including finding god.

If you have an invested Interest in something you take good care of it.

When you find God, you will be enlightened with a belief that, like finding
Jesus, you will have with god.

God is a God among st all others, he wants you to enjoy life to the
fullest, everyday thinking about him and focusing our attention on what
maters the most.

Believing in God is an easy thing to do specially when somebody is
telling you he's there.

When you look into a women's eyes, it's like god is looking down among est you.

Hence they are innocent looking.One of the biggest things you could do at work is try to work with the status quo and make a difference by standing up for something. As men We can relieve inspiration from our wedding day just like females do, and share in one of the biggest days of our life's. When you commit to something that you believe in, it is another way you can find God, little commitments go a long ways. All politicians need to be made aware that they receive satisfaction notice what you are being told, because you may hear something you believe in.Women like to hear from there men the little things because that i show a women looks at things. ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS People need to look at their civic duty and strive to be apart oft
things that are going on in their communities.

One thing you can acknowledge, DO WHAT YOU LOVE and LOVE WHAT YOU DO If we all focused on the things that mattered the most to us we would speak out about Life misdealing.Women need to speak out and stay a of changing conditions int he relationship, specially as a mother.Men need to acknowledge there responsibilities to be a provider to  all as men focused on the things that mattered the most to us we would speak out about life's misdealing s and how the family to day is deteriorating away. The communication between the two needs to happen. Women need to speak out and stay abreast of changing conditions in the relationship, specially as a mother, the motherly instinct in her gives her the ability to take care of her man in a partnership.