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- The only way to prove hatred. Women please understand that my vision of love and romance is to love cherish and accept each other in three days and never go back for life of our relationship, always going forward taking our relationship deeper than most other relationships.




I believe that this commitment to each other will enable us to not only become a very healthy relationship but also something that we can take advantage of solid with the relations to be an icon for all relationships.  I will use my experience as a man to help men fall in love with there women. I wash men  would do the right thing as GOD says, Do the right thing this not only includes with your women APOUT but about work and out in town.




I understand that most women want to stay at home, please understand numb nuts that their is more work done at home then there is at work. Stop after work and see your girlfriend. When you nowenly and habitually do this, it is adding more responsibly to you. If you would not only love her, make her the only sexual partner and no regular hanky spanking. The more responsibility you get it will fuck your life up and I will prove it you. Men (Children), back the fuck up with your agenda to go into this provider shit, women are the natural providers and it doesn't get no clearer then that. Again I will personally prove this.


Purity please Trust in your women and be the better person and give in because the men are numbing  up the women, they are at the mercy of their man and henceforth dubbed up. Take control of your life women and I will make avow to look into this situation that I just talked about. I don’t mean to forget but please forgive. When a man looses ego when they have sex or think about sex they are going to overreact and from a man to a women this how the women are being treated  I get the impression that the man are going to react, Sweetie pie, this overacting  will nail his ass to the grind stone. In my heart I now that a women is a butterfly in life, This nagging that most of the time happens over that phone over long distances.


Give me a break men, over the cell phone for a couple of minutes, give me a break men continues it a little bit when she or he comes home.  Your women is being honest and tells what is going on. You lame ass she care for enough to tell you what’s happening and you just let it go in one ear and out of the other. Men need women and they better start to fess up. I promise,  I will find the o\lkweoble  \man diseases on planet , hand othe     information on such a matter on my website later.


My vision is to address a man stopping at their girlfriend to fuck, then coming home to share his dreams with you. Women again please accept my apology how many are acting, I'm a man as well and follow a creed to pleasure and raving your body and I know how to do it. No I don’t want to help your man with his downfall, It will be on my site and I will share it with them and by doing so to help him out. I don’t know why a man expects his women to help him out with it. That to me a dirty work and women should never have to go through the mess that a man doesn’t know what it means. Degrading as hell those men doing that to you. Women just show them those poor babies what they deserve. I will venture into what a women needs. Never party that my belief in a women will enable women all over to not only have a voice but will be taken seriously. When you talk about girl power you will find that when you as a man is part of the group you will naturally just by walking by her will understand as a man what you are suppose to. 

My plan is to help women to experience in life what they deserve, I want all men to acknowledge  what a women means to a man and how if he gives to her,  the attention of what he desires will enable him to get what he wants that includes a good screw, witch is the only thing that a man knows and cares about. Men could you just grow up already, do you know what you look like.

I will have everything from life, marriage, anatomy of a human as well as earths ecosystem to include family, this will help people get a sense of how beautiful it is to be on the planet Earth. There is no cause higher than committing our selves for a robust offering of who we are and what we stand for. This joining of who we semibreve to be. Women in my life will be afforded the opertunity to take advantage of what love is and how beautiful a women can be. If you as men would try to understand what life means which be the way I think women do, she is reaching out to you to stick up for your rights, this will help the relationship. You mean people need to  understand that when a women bitches you will see her trying to make love to you. Men again, grow the fuck  up.

I will also cover all the heavens, god, angels to include Mother Nature to in include the powers to be interwoven in Maria Saints gods ship. Goddess Katy will offer her foothold on Gods Pickle leaving Heaven a proverbial throwback of weather on the Planet Earth. Heaven spinner wheel will cosign GOD love of the Good Ole USA messing into leadership overseas, This wheel splash MOther NAture  tote fruity all rottie with the Goddess Katy work of art for the, making the piece of gum Goddess KAtuy is chewing, this gum what she is chewing is GODs thunder storm with northern lights, This is also Heaven playing a piano. When heaven blows the pop sickle god pot pie will allow the heaven on high set the right time on the planet.     

I have a passion to help women get what they deserve, to accomplish this I will use my feminaze charm. I am finding that as a man if you respect a women the well rounded you will be, this includes at work. Which by the way is the only way you should be as a man. I want majority men to eat shit and die for what they are doing against there women at home, which by the way is a sin by me to find out what is happening in the family in this country. You see if push comes to shove I will try to work with women leadership to also include male leader which will expand what the Federal Government has already done in the eyes of a women. 

I would like to see a women President, if we ever do get a women president I believe what will happen is no matter what her personalty is she will zero out the unforgettable things that man does to women. I will strive as a man to research what is going on and disciple any man that keeps it up, both ways. You folks if in fact a women president happened, she followed Donald Trump, which by the way that is how it it done. Business first, personal later.


I will work closely with the VA  helping accomplish the overall agenda of Exodus lodge.  The legend of the new discovery will address what life is with money and food around. Leaving in the Divines eyes a  solution to happiness for all.


I am thoroughly excited to have seen the family go from a small company of about two hundred to as high as four thousand. You know what happened in that building, QPE was trying to make good on an order, the Hutchinson order. Well the honcho of the company came out to shake hands. telling us he was confident with being able to meet on this contract.